Kreative Kreations CU Grab bag and freebie

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our CU Grabbag of April is Revealed at the blog of Strictly Revealed, when you visit that site, you can see all the previews of the items that are in this wonderful Grabbag and also the girls of Strictly Revealed made a little freebie for all of you!
Go HERE to the Blog of Strictly Revealed to see this wonderful CU Grabbag, that is available in April for just $ 5.00
We have currently room for a few more designers in our store, when you are interested mail us please to:
Free with $ 7.50 Purchase:
Add this CU Grabbag to your cart & use this coupon code when you check out:
This grabbag has a value of $ 7.50 and contains 19 CU Packs!
Go HERE to get this bag!
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A small note to all of our loyal customers:
We had to make some changes to our store, with this changes we lost all your login-names and passwords, this is why you all need to register again to the store when you want to purchase something.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
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